HTB Validation
Nmap Scan
First, we run nmap scan to check for open ports and the service running on them.
- -sC : default script scanning
- -sV : service version scanning
- -A : aggressive scanning
We see 3 ports are open:
- Port 22 : ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3
- Port 80 : http Apache httpd 2.4.48
- Port 8080 : Bad Gateway
Nothing interseting comes up hunting for CVE for the service versions running. Let’s dig into the website on port 80.
Webpage Enumeration
Landing Page
Got redirected to another page which is supposed to have logs of other people.
Let’s try for SQL injection here. Maybe we can get some interesting info from the database.
Looks like a failed SQL injection, whole of the query statement got taken in as the input. That is nothing escaped the input field.
Intercepting request with burpsuite
Intersepting the POST request in buptsuit we can see the “country” input we can meddle with with SQL injection.
It’s a hit!! The error message indicates a second order SQL injection.
The input is being stored and when used, is not being parsed properly. But the injected query failed for some reason.
Trying the same query again with a different username and country made it work.
UNION based SQL injection
Let’s try some UNION based SQL queries. First let’s determine the number of columns.
We increment the number until we get an error message.
Got this error message for ORDER BY 2, it seems to have just one coulmn. Now let’s get the database name, version and user.
I enumerated the database bit further, but didn’t find anything intresting.
Gaining an Initial Foothold
Lets try uploading a file to the server.
This gave an error but it still worked when I checked the URL.
Let’s put a backdoor php code in the file.
It worked! Let’s get a reverse shell now.
The machine dosen’t have netcat.
Reverse Shell
We can go to PayloadsAllTheThings to try some reverse shells. Let’s set up a netcat listner first:
Reverse shell Payload:
And we got ourselves a revershe shell. Let’s get the user flag
Privilege Escalation
Getting the root flag on this machine was pretty easy. Credentials file was right where we landed when we got the shell!
Let’s got to the html directory and look into config.php file.
Here we have credentails to connect to sql server for user uhc Let’s try to use these credentials to access root user.
Lesson Learned
HackTheBox: Validation is an Easy Linux Box that is good for beginners to practice their SQL injection skills.
This box seems to be focused on Web Penetration and is pretty relaxed on the Privesc side.
Here are some takeaways from this Writeup:
Second order SQL injections are stored SQL queries which are used improperly in the application.
Always hunt for clear text passwords (If you find a password in a CTF, it is meant to be there for a reason).